Perodua Closed 2022 On A high After Setting Record Sales Figure Of 282,019 Units

Auto News
Anis | 05-01-2023 06:45 PM

Second national carmaker Perodua ended 2022 on a high note as set charts yet another record-setting year with 282,019 units sold. This marks a 48.2% increase over the 190,291 units the firm sold throughout the previous year (2021), and it now stands as its best sales achievement ever since it was formed in 1993.

President and CEO Datuk Seri Zainal Abidin Ahmad says that the company successfully overcame major challenges over the past year, including the restoration of the ecosystem as a result of major floods, a lack of workers due to increased COVID-19 infection at the supplier level, semiconductor chip supply shortage, and sudden increase in the raw material prices.

So far, 2022 is shaping up to be the best year for PERODUA and the Malaysian automotive industry. That can be seen based on the December 2022 production and sales performance, where an average of 1,000 units were produced and registered daily. Datuk Zainal Abidin is also confident that the Malaysian automotive industry was able to maximise its potential last year through shared responsibility to meet customer expectations in various aspects, resulting in Perodua's best performance record to date.

For 2023, Perodua and its business partners want to take advantage of the growth achieved and further expand capacity. “We hope that raw material prices and fuel prices remain manageable and hope that foreign currency exchange and interest rates will further encourage the growth of the industry,” added Datuk Zainal.

"For the time being, PERODUA will maintain the price of its vehicles as long as this factor stays within a reasonable range,” the exec continued further, thus addressing queries about possible increase in price for their cars this year. "The price of these vehicles will remain the same until the deadline of March 31, 2023, so our top priority right now is to deliver Perodua vehicles to those who made reservations during the sales tax exemption period”, he further added.

Lastly, Perodua also emphasised that it will continue to invest in technological innovation for its operations and introduce new technology in its products and services in the future. He added that PERODUA will reveal the complete list of targets this month. "In addition, we will also encourage business partners, specifically suppliers and distributors, to continue investing in new technology so that they are more productive and competitive."

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