Experts: Chinese Automakers Set to Capture 33% of Global Market by 2030

Thoriq Azmi | 02-07-2024 11:00 AM


Chinese automakers are poised to capture 33% of the global car market by 2030, according to industry experts. This prediction highlights the significant growth trajectory of Chinese car brands, which currently hold around 21% of the market

The expansion is driven by aggressive international strategies, particularly targeting regions such as Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South America. One of the key factors contributing to this growth is the competitive advantage that Chinese automakers have in terms of development speed and production costs. 


Companies like BYD, Geely, and Nio have been able to leverage lower labour costs and state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques to produce vehicles that are both affordable and technologically advanced. 

Additionally, these companies have been at the forefront of electric vehicle (EV) innovation, a segment expected to dominate the future of the automotive industry. The rapid development of electric vehicles by Chinese manufacturers is particularly noteworthy. 


Brands such as BYD and Nio are not only expanding their EV offerings but are also focusing on cutting-edge battery technology and autonomous driving capabilities. This positions them well in the global shift towards greener transportation solutions.

However, the growth of Chinese automakers is not without challenges. Penetrating the North American and Japanese markets remains difficult due to established local competitors and consumer preferences. 

Despite these hurdles, Chinese brands have made significant inroads into other international markets, often outpacing competitors in terms of technology adoption and market responsiveness.


Furthermore, the Chinese government's supportive policies, including subsidies for electric vehicles and investment in infrastructure, have played a crucial role in bolstering the domestic automotive industry. 

This support has enabled Chinese automakers to invest heavily in research and development, further enhancing their competitive edge. KR

Source: CNBC

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